
Wawa Dam 04

Last Sunday, we accompanied some friends from abroad to an afternoon nature trip. Since they didnt want to go shopping, we brought them to Montalban Rizal instead. It was my first time to see the place which took just around an hour plus to reach. The route going to Wawa Dam is the same as that of going to Avilon Zoo as you will see road signs directing you to the zoo.

The place is nice. There were lots of huge boulders surrounding the river, all overshadowed by huge limestones around us. The river was greenish in color. Too bad, it wasn't as clear as the river in Gabaldon and there were lots evidences of human carelessness.

The best thing about this place was the old control tower beside the dam which is about 25 to 30 feet high. Standing out on the ledge gives you a bird's eyeview of the river below. Water from upriver cascades down this big dam. You can also see some fish swimming against the current.

So what's the cool thing about this dam? You can climb up the control tower and jump into the deep waters below. It's like bungeeing without a rope.

Standing on the edge of the ledge really gives you the jitters. Its like being on Fear Factor. It may not look so high when you are looking up from below, but is sure is nerve-wracking when you are above. Well, almost everyone had their share of jumps. Some had to concentrate for a long time while others just jumped right off without any hesitations.
On top of the old control tower.
Getting ready to jump.
Hanging out on the dam.


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